Our Onderweg app
- How long is the traffic jam?
- When will the light turn green?
- How fast can I drive here?
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With an expected traveltime of %s<\/strong> your departure time is: When you leave %s at %s<\/strong>, With an expected traveltime of %s<\/strong> your arrival time is:
%s<\/strong><\/p>',verbindingsweg:"link road",Vanuit:"From","Aantal files":"Jam count","parkeerplaats (rest)":"parking lot",forecastDescriptionDepart:'
the expected delay is %s<\/strong><\/p>
%s<\/strong><\/p>',"Instellen als aankomst":"Set as arrival",spoorwegovergang:"rail crossing","eerste klasse weg":"first class road","Langste file":"Longest jam","Volg aanwijzingen":"Follow directions",grensovergang:"border crossing","knooppunt (triangle)":"junction",tankstation:"service station",aansluiting:"junction","File lengte (km)":"Jam length (km)",afrit:"exit",files:"jams",haven:"harbour",tot:"until",sinds:"from","Gearriveerd bij":"At destination","Tot {0} minuten extra reistijd":"Up to {0} minutes extra travel time",veerterminal:"ferry terminal",aquaduct:"aquaduct","bebouwde kom":"city lmits","Instellen als vertrek":"Set as departure","Vertraging (uur)":"Delay (hour)",kruising:"junction","Via toevoegen":"Add via","tweede klasse weg":"second class road",tunnel:"tunnel",ringweg:"bypass",plaats:"city","File zwaarte":"Jam severity",brug:"bridge"}}Our Onderweg app
Use the extras of Onderweg in your navigation app. Onderweg is free and no account is required.
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